Wednesday, November 9, 2011


In September I traveled to Istanbul, Turkey, and in October I visited family in the Midwest. I love trekking around the country and the globe, but it means I've been out of the studio a lot! It's looking dubious that I'll be all that productive this month, with holidays just around the corner, but maybe I can get back into my routine of getting up at 6 am to start my day in the studio.

I did get to finish a few items, including 2 sets of goblets:

A commission for wine goblets

Matching goblets for the new gallery in Salida
Time to get back to work!


  1. I envy the person who commissioned these gems.

  2. I keep sending my praises of Iris's creations. Do they ever actually get published?

  3. Yes! Your comments are published and they are also appreciated! :-)
